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Re: Walking My Baby Back Home

An interesting quest, David -- whoah, a $150 bid wasn't enough?! I've considered taking a look at that movie, but never actually tried, and had no idea it was so hard-to-get.

Are you familiar with usenet, aka "newsgroups"? Even if you're not, they're fairly accessible nowadays through Google (Groups)(although there are better softwares to access newsgroups, but I don't want to go too far off-topic).

There's a group (maybe not on all news servers, but pretty common) called, where video buffs offer to trade tapes of obscure or hard-to-get tapes with each other. They have an ethic (with an understandable legal basis) of wanting to trade one tape for another, rather than take cash, and some of them have such extensive collections that it's hard to offer a trade that will interest them. But, some will bend the rules enough to make a copy on a blank tape that you may send them, with stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Re: Walking My Baby Back Home

I have a VHS copy of this "somewhere." But it was recorded off of a TV broadcast. Trouble is, I haven't seen it in months...somewhere around my rat hole....

Re: Re: Walking My Baby Back Home

The e-bay bidding was is now over $180. Amazing.
Thanks for the advice, Ted. I'll look into it.

Re: Re: Walking My Baby Back Home

The e-bay bidding war is now over $180. Amazing.
Thanks for the advice, Ted. I'll look into it.