The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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see what youve started

LOL...ever since i won the bid on the columbo phile ive been on ebay ever since!!! i now won an autographed picture of columbo and one of al pacino in the godfather (another one of my obsessions!!!)

Re: see what youve started

E-bay can be addictive. I needed a few parts for my old honda motorcycle. I ended up buying enough parts to build two more bikes.

In your opinion, which is the single most important moment in the Godfather?

Re: Re: see what youve started

i think the single most important moment in the godfather was when michael was in front of the hospital waiting with Enzo the baker...enzo is nervous and shaking and michael gives him a light for his cigarette...michael realizes that he is not afraid because he's not shaking as he lights his cigarette and he no longer is the old michael but now "don" material...

Re: see what youve started

The Godfather??? How about every single moment...and every single scene?! How does that do it for you?
And what kind of honda bike do you husband has a Shadow Aero...I think that's the name...

Re: see what youve started

In a similar vein, my getting a new copy of "Columbo Phile" inspired me to look for the cheapest copy of Mark's "Night Stalker" book I could fine, and I just took the plunge for a copy at $79 which is about $35 less than any other outlet for it!

Re: Re: see what youve started

Sabra, we're close. I thought the most important moment was when Michael told his father "I'm with you now" inside the hospital. I never thought about how cool Michael was outside while Enzo was wetting his pants. You're right, he does exhibit the nerve his father had. Michael also showed some nerve holding his ground against the police captain.
My favorite line in the movie (among many) is "Leave the gun, take the canoli". For some reason I always thought canoli was some kind of sausage until I saw some in the bakery. I usually buy a few every Saturday before I go visit my mother.

Cass, I have a pretty nice 1974 Honda CB550. I also have a 1972 CB500 but it was heavily damaged in the fire that destroyed our shop. As long as I have the frame and the title I can build another one, probably with parts from E-bay, LOL. Isn't that where this thread started?

Re: see what youve started

that is one of my favourite lines too! but as you say, the godfather movie(s) are filled with them.
and i better not tell my husband about your honda...he may want to come over your house and take it for a spin!!

Re: see what youve started

was that the 20th or 25th anniversary edition of "Nightstalking"?

Re: Re: see what youve started

25th anniversary. I took the lowest priced copy available at