Me not like "newer" Columbo episodes. Me hear some new episodes were bad. Derefore, dey must all's be bad. Me not interested in high quality andd high production values. Thats's no important. So me not bother two see all newer episods. Me judge dem on what I hearz udders say about bad episodee ;ike "No Time To Diet". Guess stars in newer epsodes not as big names as guest stas in original epinodes like Susan Clark, Jose Ferrer and Joyce Van Patten. (Dey all house hold nams!) Pieret Falk so silly in newer epinodeses. He all gran-pappy and shrivelled up. Columbo just no Columbo no more. Me go pick nose now. Buy!
hmmmmm?? why do i have this feeling that mr. brainhurts1921 is somehow related to a so called headache2112???? hmmm??? why is that mr. headache???? you nut!!!
it is one of the few newer episodes that i have seen...and i think i have to agree with you robbie.
it was really a good one. first of all the girlfriend was a beauty..
but beyond thing that struck me was when the blackmailer was dropping to his death with the radiator tied to him. the girl sits in the suv just looking straight ahead with a determined look. that was one scene which elevated the movie. sometimes the less you do..the more you do......a lesson for other actors.
hey!! good to hear from you on here robbie. you are one of the oldies (not in age!! but one of the ones i remember when i first posted on here ) and i don't see you here much anymore....i guess robbie likes the nightlife too!!
The Columbo poll in this site shows overwhelming enjoyment of Columbo's interaction. Poll also shows almost half of fans liking old and new episodes. Like allothers except for "No Time to Die" (with no murder), this stuck to the formula. Columbo, older, still rumpled, still aggravating and grating on people,following some clues debunking others. It's entertainment