The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

I might be seeeing things, but when Milo Janus is jumping rope, he has a chain on. Then it appears it is gone. Then it is back again.....either I'm seeing "things" or I've seen the episode WAY too many times.....

Re: Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

that's a tough one fred. someone brought this up before and i looked at the segment. i can't really tell if it disappears or it just goes to the back of his it is laying on his back instead of his chest.

Re: Re: Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

isnt it fun to catch the goofs??? like i say, good columbo practice

Re: Re: Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

Justone more thing about this episode....who played Jessica Conroy? It was not listed in then credits (at least not on my vhs version)

Re: Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

Gretchen Corbett

Re: Re: Jumping Chain (Exercise in Fatality)

Thanks, I knew you would know that one....she is quite the cute one I might say as well