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Re: Any Old Mail in a Storm

Ah! We use both here in England so I get confused!

Re: Re: Any Old Mail in a Storm

i still cant believe karen the secretary would fall in love with carsini...hes not the most attractive knife in the drawer

Re: Re: Re: Any Old Mail in a Storm

And he did not seem to care about any other human being - only wines.

Re: Re: Re: Any Old Mail in a Storm

Recall she herself said that it wasn't for "love". She felt she had been exploited for years and now was the time to get what was coming to her. Don't forget he drove a Rolls-Royce, went to New York, Paris and
other place on wine-foraging trips, spent money like a drunken sailor.....all this is better than the $200 a week she had been getting up to that time.