The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
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The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Re: Newbie to Site; Columbo iin Vegas??

Welcome Steve Have fun here. You'll love it!

Re: Newbie to Site; Columbo iin Vegas??

Columbo was in Las Vegas in the episode, "Double Shock". Just a tidbit of possible interest to anyone who may not have realized it.

Re: Newbie to Site; Columbo iin Vegas??

This wasn't in Vegas, but i always wondered why Columbo didn't go to the club where Mark Halperin was gambling and Hugh Caldwell was drinking the night of the murder. A whole bunch of people saw Hugh come in visibly upset and call Mark away from the table to talk to him. Plus, as people have written here, Hugh called Margaret that night, too, looking for Mark.