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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Great Site, Columbo Quotes

I spent quite a tine browsing thrtough here last night...looks like some of you are into quotes and quizzes so here is one I;'ve put together...

#1. "That's the day truck move to street that rains berries."

#2. "Sir, you just shot a dead body."

#3. "Are you expecting rain, Mac?"

#4. "If I were you, I wouldn't perjure myself for Mr. Oscar ______________ (Fill in last name)

#5. "Let me ask you a question. Do you think Columbo's parents were related?"

#6. "did yout boy Castle tell you to come up here? I thought he might. I should have torn his head off!"

#7. "Even my grandmother's green thumb can't grow shrubs that fast."

#8. "....and you tried to kill mre too, and I want to tell you, I take that very personally."

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes


Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

hmmm couple of toughies in there...I think the last one was from "Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo." Oscars last name was Finch. The second one was (I think) Murder in Malibu, and #3 is from Last salute to the Commodope."
I'll leave the others for other people to workout....

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

you are just too much headache!!

i'll take one of them...but i will say it in english and not in code
#3 is from last salute to the commodore.

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

sorry took me so long to pick out smilies that i didn't see your post about #3.

Re: Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

no biggie. I wanted to give others a chance to answer anyhow....H ey -- do you think they'll ever release all the "For TV" movies of Columbo? I mean after the seasons are done....I really want ALL 69 episodes.

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

#1 is Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

#6 is from "An Exercise in Fatality" (Gene Stafford to Milo Janus).

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

#6 was the one I couldn't get! ( .?. )

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

I do hope you all realize Headache got all of them right except for #6. He is just a sillyhead, and he doesn't want to appear as a know-it-all. And he always reveals his answers so cleverly. yay!!

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

Hmmmm. Now I'm not sure about #7. Steve W.? Where are you? Answers. I demand answers!!!

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

OOOOH, OOH, OOH! I think I've got the correct answer to #7! It's not .Jun. It's .Cau.


Re: Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

I'm from a little town in Nevada called Elko.

Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

My family and I stayed at the Best Western in Elko during our trip across the west back in the summer of 2000. Elko was our stop between Yellowstone and Lake Tahoe. We ate at the Pizza Hut! That BW had a nice indoor pool. Later during our trip, we visited Universal Studios - where "Columbo" originates! It was very difficult finding the entrance to Universal.

Re: Re: Great Site, Columbo Quotes

I think I know where that BW is....I get out to tahoe several times each year, its great.