NO, but I happen to think that his role on Columbo was among the most convincing screen appearances Johnny Cash ever made -- you know, like those who plague this forum with lots of frivolous ideas under a variety of hit-n-run identities.
I've always wondered about the keys thing in this episode. Why, if he is going to SF for a long time to leave the car at the airport in the first place? EXPENSIVE. And, since columbo didn't mention that one, what did he expect his suspect to do with the keys other than take them with him. Did that make any sense? I'm tired tonight.....
Well Fred it was a rental car. He should have turned in the keys at the airport and ended the contract instead of holding onto the keys and not ending the contract. (I think I just repeated myself!! ) But that is the reason Columbo suspected something was wrong.
Good posts. What really makes me laugh about this episode - is the concert scene. Notice what Johnny's character and his wife do with their arms. They look like they're having a "fit" or something.
I also liked Sorrell Brooke in his mod glasses and talking hip. Quite a change from his role as "Boss Hogg".
I've read (I think in Goofs) that this episode interspersed some real footage of a Johnny Cash concert. June Carter Cash certainly could or would have been one of the singers. Now I have to go home and watch it again to see for sure.