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Re: Swan Song Singers

Well Fred it was a rental car. He should have turned in the keys at the airport and ended the contract instead of holding onto the keys and not ending the contract. (I think I just repeated myself!! ) But that is the reason Columbo suspected something was wrong.

Re: Re: Swan Song Singers

like i said cass, it is late and i'm tired....i should have thought about that one.....

Re: Re: Re: Swan Song Singers

Good posts. What really makes me laugh about this episode - is the concert scene. Notice what Johnny's character and his wife do with their arms. They look like they're having a "fit" or something.

I also liked Sorrell Brooke in his mod glasses and talking hip. Quite a change from his role as "Boss Hogg".

For what it's worth.

Re: Swan Song Singers

I've read (I think in Goofs) that this episode interspersed some real footage of a Johnny Cash concert. June Carter Cash certainly could or would have been one of the singers. Now I have to go home and watch it again to see for sure.

Re: Swan Song Singers

and refresh my memory, what song was that again?

Re: Swan Song Singers

no! no!! no!!!
not the SONG!!!