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Re: Another question about "Match"

Sorry if I confused you.

I guess what I am trying to say is Clayton needs this murder to look like an accident. Had he heard the machine go off and turned it back on, wouldn't that have looked really suspicious?

The whole point of the safety feature is to prevent people from getting ground up if they accidentally fall in. If somebody falls in, the machine stops. The only way they could get ground up is if somebody else turns the machine on.

If Clayton turned the machine back on, wouldn't everybody know it was murder?

Re: Re: Another question about "Match"


But it wasn't me who was confused. It was the looo-tenant.

My dialagoes are sometimes veiled Columbo parodies.

Re: Another question about "Match"

Very clever! I see it now.

And I meant to say, Sorry if I confused you, lieutenant.

Re: Re: Another question about "Match"

That's OK sir. I could never do some of what you do !