The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

You know, I had to laugh my @^#! off when Columbo and Wade Anders both pulled into the parking lot at the same time and eventually collided with one another. Anders looked particularly peeved when Columbo wanted to check out the damage on HIS car!!

Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

I've watched some of these episodes so many times it's impossible to remember my first reaction.

In that episode the think the whole exchange about the difference between a barber and a hair stylist is a humorous sequence.

Re: Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

Wonder how Wade Anders obtained nicotine sulfate in the first place. You know, the "fingerprints" on the paper thing was classic Columbo. There are a few spots in this episode where only Columbo would figure out a clue and take it to the next level. And of course at the end when Anders says something to the effect that Columbo has a new story for "Crime Alert" and Columbo replies, "No, actually the 11 o'clock news." THat was a good line also. Two thumbs up on this episode for me anyhow.....

Re: Re: Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

Nicotine sulfate is used in commercial insecticide. Wade could have gotten it off the gardener's truck, had the director, writer, whoever bothered with that detail.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)


Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

The gardener who trimmed the hedges out front of Wade's office. This was a somewhat rather big clue.

Re: Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

Even the best ad for "Miracle Grow" doesn't claim the change that the security film purports to show.

Re: Re: Re: Murder Can Be Hazardous (Funny Moment)

Great point Bob.