The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Peter and his wife Shera Danese

Just out of pure interest can anybody tell me how and when Peter Falk met his wife Shera.

I know Peter divorced in 1976 - he made "Fade Into Murder" in the same year and Shera Danese has a small role in that episode as Molly. Did something develop from here?

I know that Peter married her on 7th December 1977, which may have been just after Peter completed filming the last episode of the original series, "The Conspirators".

Can anybody confirm anything more on this subject?

Re: Peter and his wife Shera Danese

Yes, not knowing the two of them personally, I would say something developed from there, but the reasons they married are more than obvious (to me).

Re: Peter and his wife Shera Danese

Alyce Mayo...his first wife was a cutie...and they adopted two little girls...they had a great life for a number of years..and then they parted as friends.