I noticed this several years ago, but have only participated here recently.
Watched Murder of a Rock Star recently.
It's just this little thing that keeps botherin' me. I just can't explain it in my report.
When Hugh Creighton puts the tainted bottle of Champagne in the refrigerator, he places it on top between the two bottles on the left.....but when the "drummer" opens and takes the bottle out, it is from the top of the middle two bottles on the shelf.
How am I going to explain who moved that bottle. Perhaps someone else had acces to the refrigerator. So I hafta ask myself, were the wife and drummer the real targets.
Could it have been that maid who should have been a Marine Corps Drill Sergeant? The one who was darn glad she wasn't married to the Lieutenant?
Has anyone ever noticed or posted this goof before?
Mea Culpa...Mea Culpa... I believe I've scanned all those goofs before...on this site....I guess just watching it again prompted my posting... but I like to phrase my comments with Columbo parodies...that maid gave me the chuckles last night...not just her comments but her facial moves.....
I remember that! Now that you mentioned it. I also recall Columbo spending buco-bucks for a "two star" bottle of champage himself. That's tough for a guy who can't even pay for his own gas in Murder Can Be Hazardous to your Health.