And underpaid. I was thinking of several occasions, some of which I've mentioned but they deserve another shout.
1. Complaining about cost of dinner for Carsini and his 'date.'
2. In Brimmer's office, Brimmer offers him a job. Later we find out that a top man can pull down $30,000. Don't you think someone achieving the rank of Lieutenant, even in the 70's could make that much?
3. Back to Any Old Port in a Storm - he says his father never made $5000 in a whole year.
4. Not having enough money to pay for car repair in Candidate for Crime and having to write a counter check.
5. His car. Need we say more.
6. Complaining about cost of Champagne in Murder of a Rock Star.
7. Not having enough money to pay for gas in Caution - Murder can be Dangerous to Your Health.
8. In one episode, and I can't recall which one, he actually tells someone how much he makes and it was a very slender amount.
In "ETUDE IN BLACK" I believe he told Alex Benedict he made $10,000 dollars a year. This is the scene where Columbo is asking Benedict the value of his house.
That is true, HBE. He was calculating how many years he would have to work in order just to live there. True, Columbo was poor. And in Negative Reaction, when the nun says to him "Oh that coat." More proof, poor guy couldn't even afford a new raincoat.
Also in Identity Crisis at the gas pump...counting out change..
And in Publish or Perish where he is asked to pay 6 dollars for a bowl of chili and then the waiter amends the check because he forgot to add the 75 cents for the ice tea..(love that scene!)
But I get the feeling he wouldn't have it any other way. His social-status separation from his suspects is one of the things which allows him to get (if not keep) them off-guard. Make sense?
And his shoes in "Exercise in Fatality." When he and Janus are talking and Janus asks him if he wants a shoe lace. I think a complete new pair of shoes would be the call.