Hi all, I haven't been on this board for months (formerly known as ProfPlum30), but I may as well fish for a favor...
I have every episode on DVD (copied from VHS tapes) except for Undercover and Columbo Likes the Nightlife. Would anyone be willing to help me out? Unfortunately, I no longer have cable (I used to get them from Bravo and A&E). I will gladly pay for S&H, and the cost of the DVD/VHS.
I have every Columbo, but some are better than others. I'm in the UK though, are you in the USA? If I copied the DVDs for you not sure if they'd work on your machine - isn't there some crazy kind of difference between European & US players?
Would love to help you out if I can
So sorry about that, I really do hope you can get hold of the two you are looking for. Have you tried E-bay, there's loads of Columbo stuff popping up all the time. Well, good luck,