I have skipping in more than just one of my DVD's. Interesting point. Mine freezes, then goes V-E-R-Y- slow, dialogue cuts out, screen gets all fuzzy. DVD has no scratches in it, at least as far as I can tell. But it's not just "Port", it's a couple of others too. At least for me.
Fortunately, when I returned mine, Best Buy just let me exchange out the one disc, so I didn't have to it and watch all of it again to test it out.
Has anyone tried calling Universal about this? Maybe they'll send a new one with proof of purchase? Or are they just evil and would ignore our pleas? I would try to exchange mine again if I had the receipt still, but Best Buy doesn't exchange after 30 days anyway.
What ticks me off is that I have the (sometimes) below-average quality VHS tapes sitting around for years and when they finally release them on DVD, I drop my $30 only to find that a flaw in the disc makes it even worse!!!!!
No glitches whatsoever here, but then I buy all of my DVD products from an outfit in Connecticut that won't stand for factory imperfections. If you'd like to know who they are, drop me a line.
Remember folks, the quality standards are created in corporate offices here, but the product is produced in MEXICO. That's why junk retailers like Best Buy are willing to make exchanges.
I had some problems with "Requiem for a Falling Star" in season 2, but I exchanged it for a new set, and the new set played fine.
On season 3, I had a few problems with "Mind over Mayhem," but I never bothered to exchange it because I don't like that episode that much, and all the other episodes played fine. And no problems with the bonus "Mrs. Columbo" episode (what a relief!).
No problems with season 1 or 4 for me...I still haven't had a chance to pick up season 5 yet.