Name that Tune & Episode Quiz & Poll : Will the real Columbophile please stand up !!!
Name the following 2 tunes and episodes.
(Only excerpts included here) Hint: Cap letters go up: small letters go down from prev. ref point.
1. ....cdfa-cdfaDDa--cega#aa#C-cega#
2. CBDCBCgedcee-dfee-def
Poll: I have 30-40 of these. Some are easy tunes but faintly used, others harder, but more obvious in the episodes.
Some occur in at least 2 episodes.
IN Murder in Malibu Columbo with help from the boys in the lab decided it was crows (rightly or wrongly according to this website) on the telephone tape background.
So I suspect some nut (like me) here will find help or a way to figure it out.
I was thinking of posting a quiz with 25 or so, with say 25-50 dollars paid by me to the first one who e-mails me all the answers.