The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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P Falk's autograph

Five or six weeks ago I got (from this website incidentally) an address to which you can send a request for an autographed picture of Peter Falk. I realize it would take a while, but I wonder if I'm waiting for something which will never arrive...Any comments would be great.

Re: P Falk's autograph

Not an unusual time to wait. Responses from Peter at that address are sometimes slow, but have always been sure. I think that if you are patient, your patience will be rewarded.

Re: P Falk's autograph

I tried twice and never heard a dickey bird!! disappointed from Paignton!

Re: P Falk's autograph

Sarah, I appreciate your feedback, but you don't mention a time-frame.

Did you wait, for example...2 months? 4 months? 6 months? .....before deciding that you would not get an answer?

The first time I sent a letter to Peter Falk (before we had this web site), I estimate that it took 6 months for me to get a reply. And when I did get the reply, it was individualized, and enclosed an autographed photo which I had not even requested.

Have you waited that long? Just curious. I think it largely depends on Peter's film-making schedule.

Thanks for your anticipated response....

Re: Re: P Falk's autograph

I don't know anything about the address or how it works, but did you enclose a SASE? His PR people might not respond otherwise. Just multiply the postage times hundreds or thousands of requests.