The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Columbo Cries Wolf

I had an opportunity to watch this episode last night at a buddie's house. And I must say, it was kind of weak. I don't think that any court in the world would let Columbo dig up the yard, looking for a body. And the way the plot went at the end, where he really did kill her, well, that's just plain ridiculous and 'filler' for a weak episode. Not impressed. Next time, we'll go bowling and drink msny beers.

Re: Columbo Cries Wolf

I actually enjoyed this episode a lot. Although I thought it was a little unrealistic and risky to hide the body in the wall of the house. What if somebody would decide to remodel or build on to the house and need to knock that wall out? And what would have made Columbo guess that is where the body was?

Just some minor quibbles...overall fun episode (for me).

Re: Columbo Cries Wolf

E, you hit the mark. "Columbo Cries Wolf" is a FUN episode! The guest killer, Ian Buchanan as Sean Brantley, is one heck of a load of wiseass fun. That devilish smile of his is... is... just so devilish! This actor just finished a year on my babe's soap opera, "All My Children". He was fantastic in it as a baby-doctor who ran a "donations hospital" providing samples for wanna-be-mamas. He just never got around to telling them that those samples were ALL HIS! HA!

Anywho... "Columbo " is one of the best of the ABC episodes.

Re: Re: Columbo Cries Wolf

I liked it and also enjoyed the true mystery of it in that the viewer was led to believe Diedre Hall was really dead from the getgo.

One of the better later series eps, IMHO.