The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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greetings from belgium in columbo goes to college(columbo begins with a pop song who is the singer and name of the song?)

Re: columbo

Your observation only reinforces my disdain for every episode produced after the 7th season. Yeah, they label them "Columbo", but as far as I'm concerned, they represent nothing more than a romper room for aging has-beens.

In fact, there are even a few eps in seasons six and seven that don't count in my book either, but thankfully, the force of nature will prevent them from adding another shameless example to the list.

Re: columbo

mark...i think you wanted to put this in the columbo cries wolf thread, right?

Re: columbo

Unless he is referring to the use of pop songs in the newer episodes which relates to the top post about "Columbo Goes to College."

Re: columbo

maybe you're right E...

Re: columbo

Re: columbo

I am amazed at how often we get this question, both by email and here on the forum -- clearly, a lot of people like that song. Unfortunately, I have no idea of the answer. "Columbo" never had musical credits for the singers of background music, so the performers will probably be forever anonymous.

Re: Re: columbo

except in "swan Song"