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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

ok...let me try one..

what do all these episodes have in common...

make me a perfect murder...try and catch you see him...forgotten lady...playback...mind over mayhem...the most dangerous match...etude in black

and these...

lovely but dawn's early light...a deadly state of mind..identity crisis..last salute to the commodore...make me a perfect murder

and these...

any old port in a storm...candidate for crime..swan song...negative reaction...identity crisis

and for a real toughie...

the most crucial game...blueprint for murder...identity crisis

just a quick hint....the same common thing applies for each of these groups.

oh i hope i did this ok!!

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

Let's see ... they all star Peter Falk in the role of Lt. Columbo.

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

excellent mark!!! you got it right!!!! yay!!

but it too vague?...i'll give a hint, but i'm not very good at giving hints because i usually am not very helpful or i wind up giving it all away....but let me see..i'll try a hint...

as i said, the same common thing applies for each of the groups.....and um...(this is where i am going to screw it up.. ) has to do with the cast...

Re: Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

I will try to Kirby my enthusiasm for this clever quiz.

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

Uh....they all have men in them that Cass adores?

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

oh freddie!!

lee..thank you for your 'headachesque' type of answer...if i read you correctly, you got the answer to the second one right!

Re: Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

Nice moose.

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

I think #3 is Vito Scotti...but are those the only episodes he appeared in? I thought he was in a lot more, but maybe he is so memorable it just seems like he was in a lot more!

Re: Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

I appreciate the compliment, knowing your feelings for Headache! I will just have to work like a Dog to get another answer.

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

yes E you are right..those episodes all had appearances by vito scotti...and i think those were the only ones he was in...i could be wrong..but keep in mind that i don't know the newer episodes.

and lee! you done it again...yes Dog is the answer for the first one. and as far as my feelings for headache goes........he is my mentor and my sage!!

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

very, very difficult, cassa. i got vito scotti, but i never thought of Dog!!!!

I just found the answer to the last one, but I didn't get it honestly, so I won't post it. I was just too curious!

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

i thought of you when i was making up this quiz, laura!
i said to myself..'laura has the columbo phile book and she is going to get all the answers right'

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

actually i found it on this site....

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

I have a guess...

Were Elliot's secretary, the lady answering the phone at the Wagner house, and the picture lady at the carnival the same person?

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

i looked it up and those three roles were played by different actresses.
what i'm looking for is the same thing as the other answers...
the same person appears in each of these 3 episodes.

Re: a quizzie by know i'll mess it up!!

well...the last one was a toughie so i'll just give the answer...

it was cliff carnell who appeared as the photo shop guy in identity crisis, the plainclothes policeman in most crucial game, and the motorcycle cop in that very tense scene in blueprint for murder where elliot gets a flat tire while transporting beau's body in his trunk.