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Re: Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

Great point, Steve! I missed that.

I also thought it was weird that he suffocated in the cellar. If there is an AC unit pumping in cool air, obviously there is air coming in from somewhere. Sure it would get hot in there, but why not knock over a bottle of wine so it would break and drink the spilled wine? And why not use the broken glass to cut the rope?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

Just one more thing, Mr. Janus....If you recall, Adrian turned off the AC unit before leaving. But still, Steve's point is well taken. How can it go from 47 to over 100 in a matter of two days? Not to mention trying to get scuba gear on a dead man.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

The thing that always bugged me was that Rick seemed just too young and strong to be tied up to a bunch of wicker baskets. Also, could you imagine the state the corpse would be in after at least a couple days? The wine cellar would have reeked for a week, and the body would have been in such a state of rigor mortis that slipping it into a diving suit would be impossible!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

Ah, so many inconsistencies! Yet it is one of my favorites mainly because of D. Pleasance. His acting made it believabe that he could be a wine expert, if not a loving half-brother!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

Donald Pleasance was a great actor, no doubt about it. I would have liked to see him in other COlumbo episodes (like Jack Cassidy). You may also recall he was in several of the "Halloween" movies as Dr. Sam Loomis.


Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

yes...this episode has a lot of problems..a lot of things that just don't fit....but darnit! i love it so!
donald pleasence was absolutely terrific in it. i loved his mannerisms and the way he spoke...oh so gentle.
i recommend that you check him out in an episode of the twilight zone called 'the changing of the guard'..this episode will enlighten you and also break your heart......."be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity".........

Re: Re: Any Old Port in a Storm

If I remember rightly Adrian ties his brother up with his arms pulled behind his back and his legs pulled back up towards them. In that position it would have been very difficult to reach a bottle, break it and then cut the rope.