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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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coumbo and the murder of a rockstar song?

does anybody know the name of the so that plays at the start of colmbo and the murder of a rockstar


Re: coumbo and the murder of a rockstar song?

Columbo himself identifies the song when he first sees the victim and was told she had been a rock star. He says "Didn't she sing/do such and such...make love to me one more time?"

Later when he returns to the house he sees the gold record plaque on the wall and says,"oh yes, here it is" before he spots the plaster dust.

The lyrics in the surveillance film at the beginning match Columbo's title,

The song is also playing at the end of the film when Columbo drives off and we can see the discount boom box on the passenger seat.

I don't really know if the actress who played Marcie was a real singer, I am trying to look that up; and I don't know if it was a real song, recorded as such, or something just used in the film.

They obviously gave it a title reference.