The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Exercise in Fatality The Recorded Tapes

Milo Janus should have gotten rid of that tcing theape, but even so, how did Columbo pick that particular one? I mean there must have been hundred or more tapes in the files so how could he have spotted that one so quickly? Also, Janus blew it by not replacing the burnt out bulb on the phone.

Re: Exercise in Fatality The Recorded Tapes

Who is teasing the ape?

Re: Exercise in Fatality The Recorded Tapes

too funny headache!!

and i think milo was too full of carrot juice to think rationally....

Re: Re: Exercise in Fatality The Recorded Tapes

I often wondered how did Columbo find that rare bottle of port in Mr Carsini's vault so fast.From An old port.... It was quite obvious that Columbo knew nothing about wines,he even had to get some tuition before seeing Carsini again.Just a thought he must have had prior knowledge of what he wanted to borrow .cassa 45.

Re: Exercise in Fatality The Recorded Tapes

Believe me, if I thought that out-of-shape detective was as competent as he was, I would have covered my tracks better than I did. 32 years later, and I'm still kicking myself! I guess there was something to those cigar ashes. Maybe I should start smoking them and figure out a way out of my cell! I'm going crazy in this place. Buddy Castle never calls me, I never got those champagne stains out of my suit from when Ruth Stafford emptied her glass on me (not that it matters now), and I haven't had a glass of carrot juice in decades!

Anybody need a pen pal?