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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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My first quiz

I made my first short quiz about Columbo series, I excuse myself for not so good English, if anything is unclear, just ask and if there are any mistakes, let me know, but I hope there aren't any.

1 - Which murderer owns silver Jaguar that is shown only once in whole episode and name the same episode?

2 – Who does have a house with a fireplace that stands in the middle of the house that means you can reach the fireplace from both sides of the wall and also see the other side of the room through the fireplace?

3 – In Bye bye sky high in the final "countdown" between Columbo and Brandt Columbo mentions that »something« caused book to fall to the floor.When Brandt hears it, he gets mad, because explanation isn't correct and reveals how the murder happened.What is it that Columbo says was the reason that makes the Brand so angry?

4 – Which murderer explicitly mentions that he's a married man, although we never see his/her wife/husband?

(*I hope there are no more such cases, but in case they are, mention them all you know, I can remember only one*)

5 – What does Columbo »do« to Brimmer's car to make it not to work?

6 – What's the name of CIA director in Identity Crisis, that we see on his badge when he meets Columbo in the train?

7 – In which episode we hear someone saying the word »Tupamara« and who says it?

8 – What's the name of a bird that Jennifer Welles has?

9 – She is »woman, caucasian and pianist from …. Fill in the missing word that police informs Columbo about Jennifer Welles.

10 – What type of cigarettes smokes Budd Clarke?


Re: My first quiz

I think number 2 is from "Sex and the Married Detective" when Columbo states she has the briefcase too close to the fire.

Re: My first quiz

#5 Potato in the tailpipe

Re: My first quiz

Both correct so far.

Re: My first quiz

vento...see my answers on the insane thread i started myself.

oh..and by the way, your english is just fine.

Re: My first quiz

I just realized that in all the excitement over #9, I forgot that I also wanted to answer #4. Bart Keppell has a wife, but we do not see her. I think he tells Columbo this on the golf course.

Re: My first quiz

#6...i think his name is corigan, or something close.

Re: Re: My first quiz

Yes, it's Corrigan, correct!

#2,3,4,5,6,8,9 answered correctly.

I'll give answers tomorrow in case some remain unsolved.

Re: My first quiz

Answers that remained unsolved:

#1-Eric Prince in Ashes to Ashes
#7-Nelson Brenner when talking to Geronimo

Re: My first quiz

I'm answering this very late, but I'm very surprised that no one else has. The answer to # 8 is Chopin.

Re: My first quiz

#9 born Kenosha, Wisconsin

Re: My first quiz

grant and laura..let me see if i can try and explain is REALLY bizarre.
i had tried to answer #9, kenosha, wisconsin..but when i tried to post it, it didn't show whole entire post. so i started a second thread thinking that somehow this thread had something wrong with it. well, ted got involved and found out that there was some kind of glitch with the site or that somebody had tampered with it..and the word kenosha would not appear, along with any post that contained it.
so some of the questions were answered on the thread i started. the kenosha one and #8..chopin.

now if you understand what i tried to explain here, it will be a miracle!!

Re: My first quiz

i just bumped up the other thread.