The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Letter from Peter

I'm so over the moon I have to share this with everyone. In September 2003 I wrote a fan letter to Peter. I didn't hear anything and assumed he either didn't get it or wasn't going to respond. Imagine my joy when yesterday I got a hand written letter from him. He said he was "devastated" when he saw the date of my letter but "I'm not too organised" and thanked me for my "terrific note. It meant something to me - I appreciate your words - and I thank you for them".

What a lovely guy (even though it took 3 years!) I shall treasure it always.

Re: Letter from Peter

thats wonderful!!! im sure youll treasure it forever

Re: Letter from Peter

oh, i'm so glad you posted this. that's so wonderful, and just how i like to imagine him. i love that he is "not too organised," just like columbo!

congratulations! i'm so jealous!

Re: Letter from Peter

That's totally the essence of Peter, and you may be assured that it's genuine, and from him personally -- that's him all over.

I once, sort of similarly, got a letter from Peter that began with an apology for his managing to misplace my correspondence. He wrote something like, "What happened was ....well, never mind, I really can't tell you, it's just way too embarrassing."

After which, he went on to say many gracious and also very funny things.

He is one "star", who also happens to be a great actor and a unique talent, and who never, ever forgets that for all of his abilities and genius, ultimately it's the fans who make his success possible.

Some actors regard fan adulation as a burden or a nuisance -- but Peter understands that it is a great gift, for which he is always grateful.

Re: Letter from Peter

Oh I more thing...there's something here I want to show you... now where is it....oh, here it, that's my phone bill I have to pay it..nope that's a letter from Hilary I gotta remember to answer that....