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Re: A case of 2 killers.

aww...come on was only a little itsy bitsy piece of fraud..

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Tommy does not have my sympathy, that's for sure! Didn't he have sex with a 16 year old girl?!
So I can understand why his wife acts like she does.

And not only that, but he also killed off that young girl, and that was pure murder.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Interesting how people's take can be so different. I kind of agree with Lady from Norway (I'm originally from neighboring, Sweden, BTW) that although Tommy Brown isn't one of the vilest of villains, what he does is pretty horrific. Nagging shrew that Edna Brown is, at least she dares to confront Tommy about his womanizing and what must have been statutory rape. Hardly acts warranting yours or anyone's sympathy, guys!

In a way, Edna gets more sympathy from me because although she is is a shrew, at least she also shows some guts. Frances Galesko, by contrast, comes across as just a rich, spoiled nag. However, I never felt any sympathy for the cold and calculating Paul either. Why not just divorce the shrew for heaven's sake? My impression is that as a very successful photographer with rich clients Paul must have plenty of money of his own, so I don't see that being much of an issue either.

One reason that Tommy Brown comes across as more sympthetic may be that in the final scene he admits feeling terrible about what he did, and when he says that he would have fessed up eventually, you tend to believe him.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Karl wrote: " Apparently it's impossible for some folks just to enjoy the show beyond flaw and inferenc..."

Geez Karl, there's 40-some episodes made some 30 years ago, this is a discussion forum, what the heck is wrong with discussing the small details and our opinions of them, and what else would there be to discuss without them. Geez.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

hey karl!... don't you feel so special that 3 people (including me) have quoted you??!!?
come on...give us your comments. i for one, would love to here them... .......
.........sincerely..a fellow 'karl'........carleen

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Hey, lots of good viewpoints floating around this topic, wish more threads were like this.

To clarify my point of view: of course i'm not condoning what either killer did, they both committed unspeakable acts, but one can feel sympathy for anothers situation and more or less understand their motivation without agreeing with the remedy they choose. I felt much more sympathy for Tommy Brown than for Paul Galesko. Frances Galesko was a domineering immasculating bit**, but Edna Brown was a self-righteous hard-hearted leach, in spite of her delusional religious beliefs, who was taking every penny Tommy Brown could earn. I have little doubt that had TB went along and seen the temple to the god of hellfire built she still wouldn't have released him from his indenture.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Sorry, Laura, I removed your post that incuded Steve's email -- there's not a way I can just edit or remove certain words from a post.

I realize you didn't include Steve's addy on purpose, that it was just part of quoting his post. The best advice for those who want to keep their email addresses secret, is to not include them in your own posts.

Fortunately, Steve, I don't think it's that big a problem here. I have posted my own Yahoo email address in this forum many, many times over the last 9 years, and it's also under the "email the authors" link, and I hardly get any spam on that account.

Re: A case of 2 killers.


Re: A case of 2 killers.

Thanks Ted, I really appreciate it, i'll stop putting my email in the form. Sorry Laura, I know it wasn't intentional.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Oh, and thanks again Cass, you the best.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

i saw your previous post when you thanked ted and i..
i didn't really do anything...but i'm glad it is all resolved.
this is why i call ted 'the grand maestro'!

Re: A case of 2 killers.

Well, you contacted Ted which got the ball rolling, so you helped a lot.

Re: A case of 2 killers.

oops....i didn't realize i did that. thanks for removing it, Ted.