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Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

Something that has always bugged me about this episode : When Hayden Danzinger has his " heart attack " his wife not once comes to his bedside to see how he is doing. In fact she really never even gets mentioned while he is recovering from his illness. I realize the murder plot wouldn't work if Mrs. Danzinger were hanging around the ship's hospital all day but come on . Certainly Mrs. Danzinger would have been rushed to her husbands bedside when he was pulled out of the pool, after all he might be dying and it would be the last moments they would have together. I just find her lack of presence hard to believe ? Can anyone explain this?

Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

i think she was up on deck the whole time enjoying the wind rippling through her hair!!!! (i love that scene!!) bring up a good point egg....where the heck was she? they could have had at least one scene where she was visiting him....

Re: Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

Never thought of it until now, either. Good point.

Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

How coincidental ... that's just what I thought viewing that very episode this afternoon. In fact, it pops to mind every time I see the scene where a wind-whipped Columbo interviews her on the deck.

You're right on course though's really just another plot convenience. The writers of these shows often relied upon common sense to fill unavoidable gaps, but her character wasn't pertinent to Hayden's criminal actions anyway.

However, it occurred to me that extended infirmary scenes may have been shot, but then later deleted for whatever the reason, which we know has been done to other eps.

Perhaps one of our resident Columbologists has an idea?

Re: Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

Actually, there are hints that Hayden's relationship with his wife is not so great. While it is true that they seem lovey-dovey when we see them together, don't forget that Hayden tells Roseanne Wells that his wife has "been receiving strange phone calls" (obviously from Roseanne) and this would no doubt raise
suspicions on her part. Also recall that his wife tells Columbo that she doesn't go off to Las Vegas with Hayden (she prefers more "quiet pursuits"). We also see her to be a rather cold, hard personality ("heaven help Hayden if he ever disappoints me!"). I read it that she doen't really like Hayden's personality, but he is good for certain things (hint, hint) and that is all she is interested in.

Re: Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

She's having an affair with LLoyd Harrington!?

Re: Trouble with" Troubled Waters "

Ahh, poetic justice.