The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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character counts

Recently while I was watching a few episodes of Columbo,I noticed that he treats people with dignity- even the criminals. Do you know what I mean? Like at the end of "Any Old Port in a Storm", he and Carsini drink a glass of wine, or at the end of "Mind over Mayhem" he smokes a cigar with Dr. Cahill. It seems that the Columbo character doesn't judge people too harshly, and I respect him for that.

Re: character counts

Well, yes, that was the idea, but Columbo didn't deal with vicious gang members, and since dignity can only exist in the respectful arena, you won't see any of it in "America's Most Wanted".

Re: Re: character counts

Even the way he catches Tommy Brown at the end was still very classy, up on that mountain and all. However, one of his most un-characteristic captures occurs at the end of Rest In Peace, Mrs. Columbo when Vivian Dimitri slaps him in the face.

Re: Re: Re: character counts

Technically, Roger Stanford of "Short Fuse" slaps him in the face too, though totally different from "Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo." The guy is totally relieved.

Re: character counts

David- I do remember the slap in "Short Fuse", it was right before Roddie McDowell starts the insane laughter.