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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Peter Falk magazine feature

UK Columbo fans might be interested to know that there is a feature on Peter Falk in the current OK magazine.

He's at home with his wife and nine! dogs and talks about his acting career - stage, screen and Columbo. Interesting nuggets are that his daughter is a private detective and that his wife was in 6 Columbo films - don't know how I didn't know that.

Peter looks in great shape for 79 with a tan so deep he could hide naked on a mahogany sideboard.

Re: Peter Falk magazine feature

Check out the scrapbook and all the other site articles.

Shera Danese = listed and referenced with several episodes.

Re: Peter Falk magazine feature

ooooh I'm so excited bout this - what date is on the magazine? Not sure it's in my store but I might be able to back order it.

Huge thanks from very eager fan