The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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You got to love Fielding!

I am wondering am I the only one who loved Fielding Chase. What's not to love? His ott mannerisims, his very theatrical slapping of Jerry, his workout room and that track suit, his vile smearing of the senator and that classic boast that he will rip apart Columbo's witness then start on him and then maybe the LAPD.

Anyone else love Fielding like I do?

Re: You got to love Fielding!

William Shatner does a much better performance as Fielding in "Butterfly in Shades of Grey" than as Ward Fowler in "Fade in to Murder." Rare that an ABC "Columbo" episode tops an NBC counterpart as that.

Re: You got to love Fielding!

Never saw that one, but I know the role was played by a pre-Pillsbury Shatner. He could be good, and I'll always admire Captain Kirk, but his "Ward Fowler" gave me the creeps. Truth is, every episode after the fifth season has a similarly discouraging effect on me. I don't know why exactly, but I can certainly think of a few reasons.

In my view, a "Last salute" it was "In Deed"!

Re: You got to love Fielding!

I agree...Personally, I think Feilding Chase is among the best of the Columbo ABC version murderers, and Butterflies in Shades of Grey one of the best of the ABC Columbo's. It's definitely a good role for Shatner to play, Selfish, Pompous, Arrogant, and not to mention Possessive, as he didn't want his adopted daughter to leave for a new career in New York.