The Lt. Columbo Forum

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3rd Season

I just brought the third season on DVD but the shop was selling the versions without the Mrs Columbo episodes. I know most people hate these ones, but I was curious so wanted to watch them. Does anyone have any word whether they will be included on these DVD's in a later season?

Re: 3rd Season

I consider Mrs. Columbo as "filler" episodes that Universal put in there. I for one do not care for them.

Re: Re: 3rd Season

I don't care a rap about that Mrs. Columbo, either. I had planned not to see them when I get the seasons they come with. It's not exactly a matter of stubbornness: I don't have much free time, so I prefer to spend it doing things I like. I don't feel any curiosity about that series, and I dislike the idea. So why spend my time watching it? And why on earth did the people at Universal come out with that idea? I'm sure there are plenty of things that can be included as extras instead (interviews with Peter Falk, or whatever).

Apart from that, I think that the series was something of a failure, wasn't it? It cannot have been very good. I haven't seen it, so I cannot tell.

Re: Re: Re: 3rd Season

Please, I did not ask for your opinion on how much you hate it, because I had already guessed that everyone here hates the Mrs Columbo series. As I haven't seen even one, I would simply like to see what all the fuss is about even if it was a filler turned out in a hurry and all that. And yes - I do agree the orignal Columbo series works best with us never meeting the wife - but still - natural curiousity and all that. I want to know what the Universal people dreamed up for a wife for him. Also, in a later episode of Columbo, didn't he deny she was his wife - some reference to a stalker?

Re: 3rd Season

Josh, are you in Europe by any chance?

An episode of Mrs. Columbo is included in the American releases of seasons 3, 4 and 5 each. (I don't know about the upcoming set of seasons 6 & 7).

The UK/European release of season three didn't have one, nor does it seem that the upcoming European release of the 4th season will have one. So if you're curious about these, you have to order your sets from the U.S. (you need a region code free DVD player though).

Hope this helps.

Re: 3rd Season

As far as I recall, there were only 5 true episodes of "Mrs Columbo" (before the character and the series changed names, and concepts).

So, while I realize that "Mrs Columbo" is hardly the ideal DVD "bonus" feature for hard-cord "Columbo" fans, it will at least be somewhat satisfying if the final "Columbo" DVD set includes the final "Mrs Columbo" -- just so that devoted "Columbo" fans, for their loyal investments in the full "Columbo" series, will also get (as a "free" bonus) the full "Mrs Columbo" series as well.

"Mrs Columbo" is obviously not on a par with "Columbo," in terms of the writing or in any other way, but to some extent I would say that its bad reputation is unfairly exaggerated -- and these DVDs, in my opinion, are a great opportunity for the broad base of "Columbo" fans to see this oddity, or this footnote to "Columbo" history. For the true "Columbo" completist, it really should be seen, for better or worse.