The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Re: Re: new DVD?

does anyone knows if this season has more Mrs. Columbo Episodes. I have gotten used to them and I enjoy watching them. A riddle for puppets was very awkward but understandable . I think this is the name. Mu favorite one is Murder Is A PArlor Game with the great late Donald Pleasence

Re: new DVD?

I wish they would put some real extras like an audio commentary instead of more Mrs. Crapo episodes :(

Re: new DVD?

Of course I agree that it would be much better to include true value-added bonus features such as commentaries by Peter Falk, Bill Link, Stephen Spielberg, etc.

But, since Universal instead made the decision to include "Mrs Columbo" as the bonus, I hope they will follow through and include the fifth and final "Mrs C" in the upcoming DVD set for seasons 6/7. (Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think they have given us 4 of them, so far.)

This way, loyal fans and purchasers will get the full series for both shows (pending, of course, a decision as to the ABC "Columbo" episodes).

Bear in mind that there were only 5 true "Mrs Columbo" episodes, before the Mulgrew series changed concepts, names, etc.