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Re: Re: Totally trivial

That was my first thought Ted. There's always a small margin of error, but I knew there had to be at least twice that number counting the old site.

Re: Totally trivial

thanks mrs. peck....i guess i never noticed it before because it is on the threaded style thingy and i always use the board style.

and that is interesting ted. i guess it would be so much higher than what it is if the same server had been used. do you have any idea how many more posts there were? (now don't go crazy looking into this, i'm just asking. )

Re: Totally trivial

I've always had problems with this bravenet forum. It blocks me out at home so I have to visit the site from work to post. My wife told me yesterday, that everytime I have tried to access the fan forum from home, Bravenet has placed cookies on our laptop, to monitor where we go on the internet.
I was excited until I realised she meant spyware, not chocolate chip cookies.

Re: Totally trivial

mark said...
"I was excited until I realised she meant spyware, not chocolate chip cookies."

that was cool...and i want some chips ahoys!

Re: Totally trivial

and dang it! only 9200+ posts!! geez!! i think I have personally posted that many times!!!

Re: Re: Totally trivial

Actually Im a Oreo man myself.....

Re: Totally trivial

well i am too mrs. peck....well not exactly an oreo 'man' but an oreo 'woman'. and as i have pointed out in the past--there you are being a man with a woman's name..and i am here being a woman with a man's name!! freakish!
anyway..i couldn't find an oreo smilie. the closest i could come was a hockey puck!! ...

oh no!! i've gone off topic again!! ...sorry..

ok..there are now 9,231 posts! yay!!

Re: Totally trivial

Does the counter number reflect the number of posts that are currently still available to read, or the entire number of posts in the history of the Bravenet forum? The oldest posts are from around April '05, and I think the forum was with Bravenet since around '01.

And speaking of strange things with our computers, every time I log on to the Internet, I can't come to the Columbo site first...I have to go to some other site first, and then come to the Columbo site. If I come here first, it says "this page cannot be displayed" and if I try to go to another site, it says the same thing, so I have to log off and log back on again, go to any other site, and then come here. This happens every time without fail, so I'm in the habit now of going somewhere else first, but every once in awhile I forget and come here first, and then have to log off and log back on!

Re: Totally trivial

All jokes aside, isn't anyone else concerned about the spyware stuff from Bravenet? Or am I just paranoid?

Re: Totally trivial

Must be just're a trusting lot aren't you?

Re: Totally trivial

i'm sorry i never replied to you mark. but i have not had the same experiences that you have had. it truly frightens me to think of all the unexplained things that go on with the 'interweb' and all the things that could posssibly happen. but i have not had the same problems you have had with this site.

Re: Re: Totally trivial

9,639 and counting.......... (that's supposed to be a calculator, but it looks more like a gameboy to me! )

Re: Totally trivial

Mark D. do you have anti-virus or anti-spyware software on your computer??? if not try using firefox they are really really good about screening out the undesireables -

Re: Totally trivial

and E. have you saved this site to your favorites?? then you never have to type in the address again just click on the fav address

Re: Totally trivial

9,934 is getting close...can you feel the anticipation growing!!??