The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Criminal knitwear

After watching Uneasy Lies the Crown yet again I have to say that Corman deserves to be busted for somew of the sweaters that he wears in that episode. And as for a sweater underneath a jacket in the club - please!

Any other comments on fashion crimes, I noticed that the newer episodes were worse. Any comments?

Re: Criminal knitwear

I am still shocked by the tightness of the trousers in some of the early Columbo episodes. Let's put it this way, we see far too much of Roddy McDowell and Milo Janus.

Re: Criminal knitwear

ROFL . . . but not enough of Gretchen Corbett