The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Quiz Time

I give the clue. You give the episode.

1. Springer.

2. Jennifer Wells.

3. Karen Fielding.

4. “It’s a little steep.”

5. “Please report to the patrol car.”

6. “Would you happen to have a cup of coffee in the kitchen, mam?”

7. “I’m smelling dead meat right here in this truck.”

8. Burt Young stars in this one.

9. Little Richard as “Trainwreck.”

10. Nancy Brower

11. Vincenzo Fortelli

12. Frank Staplin

Re: Quiz Time

yay! a quiz on a monday!!
i'll take a couple...
1. cadet springer from dawn's early light
2. jenifer welles from etude in black
3.karen fielding from any old port in a storm

Re: Quiz Time

4. "It's a little steep" is from "The Greenhouse Jungle."

6. "would you happen to have a cup of coffee in the kitchen, ma'am?" is from "Forgotten Lady."

7. "I'm smelling dead meat right here in this truck" is from "Columbo Goes to College."

Re: Quiz Time

5. "Please report to the patrol car." Ashes to Ashes

8. Burt Young is in Undercover. Which is where this episode should have been kept.

9. Little Richard is in Columbo & the Murder of a Rock Star.


Re: Quiz Time

10. Nancy Brower - Death Hits the Jackpot

11. Vincenzo Fortelli - Strange Bedfellows

12. Frank Staplin - Agenda for Murder