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Re: Re: diagnosis murder...

Reason why, dm is amazing!!!,
and to correct the guy before the reason why its more popular isnt because its aired more,
its aired more because its popular,

Re: Re: Re: diagnosis murder...

I've never gotten attached to it, in spite of Dick Van Dyke. I know (or think I know) that, like Matlock, its audience is always being labeled as one particular group (I don't have to tell you which one), and I always hate it when that's done with an entertainer or piece of entertainment- elderly audience, "gay following" etc. - whether I love, or hate, or even KNOW the thing or person it's about. About the only episode I became familiar with was a partially comical "Diabolique" variation, with Sally Kellerman and Victoria Jackson as the two murderesses. (It could afford to be largely comical, partly because, as in "Diabolique," the victim wasn't really killed.) Anyway, the two of them made it a good one.

Re: diagnosis murder...

I'm a very big fan of Dick Van you-know-what, from way back -- really, I am. But I really detest "Diagnosis: Murder", from my admittedly minimal exposure to it. TV for complete dummies.

I once had the misfortune to catch the "Dx: Murder" ripoff of "Now You See Him", which stole the same idea of the kller being a magician who supposedly was inside a tank of water, on stage, throughout the murder. Here is one of the many differences between the 2 shows:

"Now You See Him" at least established that, while the magician is supposedly marinating in the water-tank, the audience is entertained by his daughter, prancing about in a skimpy costume doing sleight-of-hand tricks.

But in the Dick Van you-know-what version, we are asked to believe that the audience just stares at a still tank of water for about 15 minutes, while the killer is off doing the murder. What audience would put up with that abuse of their patience?

How stupid and unbelievable can it get. Stupid, stupid, stupid.