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least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

after talking about how columbo rarely loses his temper, i started thinking about how gracious most of the murderers are when columbo finally traps them. how many police detectives, upon having nailed a suspect, get to share a cigar or glass of wine with them? many of them have a resigned but generally respectful exchange with him in the final scene.

harold van wyck is an exception. i love his little desperate tantrum at the end, because it is so unusual for the series and so reflective of his selfish character.

i also love the scenes when the murderers maintain a veneer of calm and composure when columbo is interrogating them but then let go with exasperation once he leaves the room.

what are people's favorite examples of murderers who lose their cool?

Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

I also like Beth Chadwick's little tantrum when she throws the lightbulb, kicks the chair, etc.

Ken Franklin also has a few good facial expressions when Columbo leaves after pointing out some of Ken's mistakes.

And I like Nick and Lily's reaction to Columbo's comment about their perfectly matching versions of the events the night of the murder. "After that performance we just gave...of all the nerve!"

Re: Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

To me, the all-time best case of this is with Ray Milland in Greenhouse Jungle. In later roles, he had that wonderfully intimidating way about him, and of course the actor Bob Dishy has always had that nervous look about HIM. As Dishy started reading him his rights, Milland gave him this "icy" look, and Dishy's voice started to falter. The fact that he was ARRESTING the man who was looking at him that way, didn't prevent him from REACTING to the withering look.

Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

Not sure if this qualifies as "losing his cool", but watching Nelson Hayward (Jackie Cooper - "Candidate for Crime") efficiently dig his own grave while feigning outrage provided a nice combination of smuggness and futility. He had it all laid out, and then, WHAM, right between the eyes!

Re: Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

I see the expression of Ross Martin's eyes when Columbo pulls out the gloves at the conclusion of "Suitable For Framing" as an example. You would think the guy is being hanged.

Re: Re: Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

Great example of the murderers face, Ross Martin did it so convincing,watching him crumble to bits when Columbo reveals his hands in gloves Great to show over and over again.

Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

great examples...i had forgotten a lot of these. i *still* have not been able to see Beth Chadwick throw that lightbulb across the room. Every time I have tried to tape the episode, it was edited out.

Re: least innocent acting murderers--or signs of stress

you and me both laura.