The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Columbo Dream

Every now and then someone on these boards will post one of those "You know you're a Columbo fan when..."

Well I've got a new one. (For me anyway.) You know you're a Columbo fan when... you have an incredible dream about a brand new episode of "Columbo"!

Last night I had that dream. Unfortunately, I can't remember the episode's plot. I recall "watching" the new episode on TV. In fact, it seemed to be a two-parter. I remember that I taped the episode on VHS (as I truly always have). However, I realized that I taped it on the "fast" speed - meaning that after taping a 2-hour "Columbo" there was still another 4-hours of tape left.

This upset me - With the ABC episodes, I taped (most of) the episodes on the "slow" speed - meaning that a 2-hour "Columbo" takes up the entire VHS tape. Taping something on "slow speed" gives it a better quality with less flickering and sound drop-out, etc. I recall that in my dream, I corrected my mistake for "part 2".

Is this totally nutty or what?! But, there was more to the dream. I also dreamed a segment of (what I think was) an "entertainment tonight" type show on which Peter Falk was talking about making this newest episode of "Columbo"! I recall thinking, "Falk is so cool!"

Yes, I know. I am totally bizarre!

But wait, there's more!

After watching the episode, I recall from my dream, that I LOGGED ON TO THE ULTIMATE LT. COLUMBO FORUM and began posting about the new episode! I remember posting that it was good to finally get past the #69 episode count and finally make it to #70! (I didn't seem to count it as a 2-parter at that point, I didn't mention the 2nd part as being #71.)

Others on the forum were also posting about the brand new episode. Cassa, you were there. And Ted, you were there. And farmhands Zeke and Hickory, you were there... And...


(Now, no jokes about as to me dreaming about having posted about getting past the #69. Let's keep this forum clean and friendly!)

Re: Columbo Dream

toto too???

well! that was incredible! i read it 3 times!!! quite the vivid and detailed dream. amazing.
what the heck were you eating before you went to bed?

Re: Columbo Dream

headache, just one little thingy.
didn't you mean that you taped the first part on
"slow speed"? that will give you extended tape time but less quality. "fast speed" gives you less tape time but much better quality.
just asking...

Re: Columbo Dream

I also had a dream, just recently, where a new "Columbo" had come out. And in the dream, I had this incredibly brilliant idea -- why not put this new episode out on DVD!!! Yes! -- it's bound to make millions, right?!

For some reason, in my dream-universe, the concept of putting the new "Columbo" on DVD was so unheard-of, so innovative, that Peter Falk wanted to meet with me about it right away, over lunch, to discuss business.

He preferred that we meet not far from where I used to live, in New Jersey (maybe he wanted to make a side-trip to meet Cassa). Rather than going to a fancy restaurant, Mr. Falk preferred that I pick a more typical New Jersey kind of place -- so, we had lunch at the White Castle.

Peter was a very interesting lunch companion, although it was tough to discuss business because everybody in the White Castle kept coming over to say hello to him.

Re: Columbo Dream

Cassa, I'm all confused as to what I meant to say. But you certainly got the point.

Ted... White Castle?! Even in my dreams, I don't think I could handle those sliders! Interesting though that we've both now had dreams about a new Columbo episode. Can these collective dreams somehow be preminitions of things to come? I hope so!

Cassa, get Columbo-dreamin'!

Everybody else on this forum too!!

Re: Columbo Dream

sounds like a fascinating dream ted!! and it took place in jersey!!! yay!!! would you have allowed me to sit in on the meeting???

and my dear headache!! how could you say such things about white castle??? i'm appalled!! my husband and i went out for a few drinks last night to celebrate his birthday (which is actually today...happy birthday honey!! ) and we brought home a crave case. yummy yum yum!!!

and i'm jealous of both of you! maybe if i watch a bunch of columbo episodes i'll dream about columbo tonight. my fingers are crossed!

Re: Columbo Dream

Last night I dreamed that I was having trouble falling asleep, until Columbo came by and gently put his raincoat over me. No trouble after that! It was such a great feeling!