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Internship Suggestions

I'm sure that I'm not the only college student who is working on landing an internship in TV news for this summer. What are some things that news directors or internship coordinators look for in an applicant? What makes an applicant stand out in your mind?
Any suggestions for interviews?


Re: Internship Suggestions


Come to the spring INBA convention (April 22-24 in Decatur) and ask news directors your questions face-to-face. "Ask a News Director" is just one of several seminars we have planned for students.

Others topics include writing resumes and cover letters and networking to find the best job.

For details on convention registration go to the conventions link on this Web site.

Jim Paul
Decatur Convention Committee

Re: Re: Internship Suggestions


As Jim suggests, it never hurts to be able to plead your case convincingly in person, and that's why INBA conventions are a great place to be.
Speaking with news directors, though, I'd say it helps if you can bring a demo tape/DVD/CD and resume with you that stresses any background that you may already have, be it a previous internship, collegiate or high school media, or anything else that can show your abilities off.
So, register for the convention, be ready to ask questions, and bring materials that are designed to put yourself at the top of those ND's lists. Make sure your demo has your best possible examples up front because news directors are by definition busy people and don't have hours to devote to watching or listening.

Bob Roberts
JobFile editor