We too had hoped that the second CD would be finished fot the TS show. Its actually half done done but has been on the back burner for quite some time. Our producer, Jeff Perillo, was in then middle of buying a home and trying to complete his masters. He has a rather full plate. Jeff has been wonderful asset to us. He made the first CD happen. He also spent countless hours on the website. He does it out of love for the band when he has the time. We will get the second CD done but we have to work around Jeff's schedule. We are hopeful for a release next summer. There are some songs that need vocals that were played out live but never fully recorded. Harry has done the guitar solos but George has to put the vocals in. We want the second CD to be complete in every respect. All the other Alecstar songs will be on it. We don't want to just dump the songs to a cd off an album either. We want some new life in these tracks and that is what Jeff excels at. He is very capable and that is worth waiting for. Jeff has given us his word that we will get these done and that is good enough for us. In the meantime did you all like the TS show with our friends the Flyers? Lets hear from you! Drop us a line on the Message Board.
Thank you for the kind words Mitch. Yes, we will have time this summer to complete the CD. Everyone has to know that I didn't feel that doing some kind of "rush job" on the project would do the band and/or the songs justice. A great band with great songs deserves a top quality mix and mastering process, amd Alecstar certainly deserves the best production I can provide!