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I would just like to say this about the World Cup.

Re: 00

Ted, it kinda goes like this. You know how you have had friends in the past who really don't like Baseball or golf because they say it is boring. And, your answer to them is that they don't like it because they don't understand it and therefore can't enjoy it because they don't know what to look for in it.
Well, I'll say that to you concerning soccer. You don't know the game and don't know what to look for to enjoy it.
I was once right there with you, that is until Jaimee started playing it and I learned what it was about. Now, I place it right behind Baseball and a little ahead of golf and miles ahead of football and basketball, when it comes to watching sports.
Let me add this, it's a tough sell for US television because they don't have all the time outs, etc. that the other sports have, and as we all know, television wants those breaks to put all those commercials on!

Re: 00

Hi Guys,

My 2 cents... What Jimi said and I grew up on hockey so I understand the game a bit more.

My favorite part is the real-time games, I think the Olympics could take note for at least some of the major events.

All that said, I would not have even noticed world cup was going on if not for fanatic co-workers... but I'm enjoying it so far.

And no commercials? Worth it right there. Now if they could just do something with those damn vuvuzelas!

Re: 00

Kelly, I agree about those horns, they really should of banned them from the beginning.

In case anyone was wondering, that is an African thing, not a soccer thing.

Re: 00

Kelly,I love hockey,it's everything soccer isn't. As for the other sport,it was lots of fun in gym in Jr.High.What's to understand,run up & down the field & kick the ball or hit it with your head like an idiot.It's so exciting it gives me chills up & down my leg.Oh wait,that's obama.The only game more boring & less exciting is curling but it's close.My local liberal rag,the Newark Star Ledger has a full page devoted to the World Cup every day.One of today's quotes was "the only issue for Brazil was the red card to Kaka"what he do ?poop his pants.French team on strike refuse to practice.whats that all about?American team scores game winning goal but its disallowed but the ref wont give a reason or explanation.Thats like Gardner hitting an in-side the park homer & the home plate ump calls him out but wont say why.What a wonderful game.Fans are forever rioting,nothing yet but it's early so stay tuned.Now for the actual kickball tourney.There are 32 teams,they have played 29 games so far,10 games have resulted in a tie,several of them NIL to NIL,that's 1/3 for those of you who are mathematically challenged,22 of the 32 teams have scored a grand total of 22 goals.WOW!What's more stupid NIL or LOVE in tennis.Only 2 of the 32 teams are averaging 2 or more goals a game.You are right,I don't understand,not the game but how so many people can get so excited about absolutely nothing.See what happens when you have nothing to do.