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My 2Xers

They are Wainwright, Liriano, and Hughes. Lackey pitches Tuesday but is not scheduled to pitch Sunday.

Re: My 2Xers

Jimi... pretty tough trio. Good Luck.

Re: My 2Xers

Not really trying to show the quality, but rather the quantity. Wanted to designate my 3 in case I end up with 4.

Re: My 2Xers

I understood.

Re: My 2Xers

I thought I might have to do the same thing, but with Bills answering the call yesterday it took Ely out of harms way.

Re: My 2Xers

I now see that Lackey is scheduled pitch on Sunday, which means I will need to deduct those points if he does indeed pitch. It also means I'll lose his 2X week #14.