Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Sorry guys, I've been laid up the past few days with some kind of sickness. Tonight is the first time on my computer since early Sunday morning. I'm finally getting everything updated.

I noticed that CBS has already set the lineups for week #15 and that could be a problem since the lineups are not suppose to lock in until 7:00 PM ET on Thursday.
I will be contacting CBS about this!!

Re: Week #15 Lineups

I have sent in a complaint to CBS about locking our lineups before the Thursday deadline. I am waiting to hear back from them. If I do not hear from them by tomorrow afternoon I will be calling them to get it fixed.

Re: Week #15 Lineups

Good to hear that u r feeling better, buddy.

Re: Week #15 Lineups

CBS has corrected the problem. All looks good!

Re: Week #15 Lineups

Hope you're feeling better and that you didn't pick up something during that camping trip.

Being Sick

Thanks guys, I'm improving each day now. I don't think it was anything to do with camping, as it came on 4 days after the trip.
It hit me so hard I couldn't get out of bed from Sunday morning to Tuesday evening. It was right up there towards the top of my list when it comes to feeling bad in my life.

Re: Being Sick

Glad you are feeling better every day.Don't take things for granted.Have a Dr.check it out.

Re: Being Sick

Thanks Ted, I just might do that doctor thing. The wife wants me to check into it too.