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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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RIP Bobby Thomson

Bobby Thomson passed away on Monday. If you want to read about him and his historic home run go to this web address.


Re: RIP Bobby Thomson

RIP Bobby Thompson. As a Giants fan and a baseball fan, the "shot heard around the world" will never be forgotten.

Re: RIP Bobby Thomson

I was 13,a die hard Yankee who hated the Bums.I had bet $2.25 on the Giants,big bucks for me back then.I can remember my best friend & I running out of his parents ice cream parlor on Main St screaming & jumping up & down.A few days later I was in Yankee Stadium for game 2 of the WS,the game when Mickey stepped in a drain in RF & went down like he was shot.They carried him off on a stretcher.I still have my program from the game.