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2011 Keepers

The vote ended in a 6-6 tie. There are two ways to handle this.

One is to split the difference and go with 7. This is fine except using an odd number complicates the draft in that the teams will be reversed (listed 12 to 1) when we do the draft. You guys might recall the '09 draft?

The other way is to give team owners an option of either 6 or 8. This sounds good but would take a little more effort from some owners if we do the draft as we have the past 2 years. It would require half the owners to start drafting in the 7th round while the other half waits until the 9th round. Owners that start in the 7th would have to be careful not to draft players that are being kept by teams going with 8. We might need to do the 7th and 8th rounds a little different to make sure that the 7th and 8th players from teams keeping 8 don't get accidentally drafted by someone not paying close attention.

We have plenty of time to address this and either way will work.

Re: 2011 Keepers

Jimi, I was thinking that one of our owners were not coming back. Is that correct? If so, then they should not get a vote. I don't remember who it was, and they may have changed their mind. Just wondering out loud.

Re: 2011 Keepers

Jimi.... I would be willing to change my vote and therefore breaking the tie.

Re: 2011 Keepers

Earl has a good point. If one of the owners is not coming back then that vote should be discarded and break the tie.

If everybody is coming back then either of Jimi's ideas is ok with me.

Re: 2011 Keepers

As in boxing, a tie means "status quo", i.e. the champion stays champ; in our case, it should remain what it is now- 6 keepers. If it was good enough for the 2010 season, it should be good enough for 2011. That's my 2 cents worth.

2011 Owners

I put out an e-mail not long ago and ALL the owners replied that they are coming back to play in 2011.
Until I hear different I'm assuming everyone will be back.

So far some great feedback on the outcome of the Keeper vote.
Anyone agree with what is being said? Or, do you have something to add to it?

Re: 2011 Owners

Personally I think 7 makes sense, but one option is pick an uncontrollable but easy to verify tiebreaker like if the DOW will be an odd or even number on Friday.

Re: 2011 Owners

This is a rough one to decide. I would be happy with everyone keeping 6 and I would be happy with everyone keeping 8. I would be happy to keep six, but I could find eight that I think are of the quality to be first eight round picks. You could make everyone happy if by some date (say Jan 1) everyone could choose to keep either six or eight and then run two rounds of drafting for those who only kept six at the start of the draft. That sounds great, but I think it could be a nightmare for the Commish.

Re: 2011 Owners

If I had to choose between the two ideas that Jimi suggested, I would choose the 6 and 8 idea. That way all owners will keep the number that they wanted.

Of course, that assumes that Jimi is able to construct rounds 7 and 8 to accommodate both groups.

Re: 2011 Owners

I originally thought six was the number thinking it would be nice to have quality players to draft from. Further looking at my lineup, I decided I could go eight and that would give me the flexibility to be a part of the trade process - something I would not most likely take part in with six. My vote would be to split the difference between the 2 options or re-vote, it's not life or death for me...

Re: 2011 Owners

I guess I was thinking about one of my other leagues, in regards to someone not returning. That's what happens when you play several lgs. Early alzheimers doesn't help either. Seriously, I could go either 6 or 8, but tend to prefer 8.

Re: 2011 Owners

If someone wants to change his vote we should have a new vote.Of course 2 mgrs will change 6 to 8 & 8 to 6 then we'll be right back where we started.I was hoping to keep 10.

Re: 2011 Owners

Well Jimi you heard a high percentage of the folks put in their 2 cents worth. I don't see any owners throwing in the towel and quitting over how this is resolved.

This is why we pay the commissioner the big bucks. Ultimately it is your league and your call.