Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Final Week of the Season

Since there are only 25 weeks in the MLB schedule this season (both #1 and #25 are long weeks) we were forced to us the final week as part of our playoffs.
Most of you have voted on the poll and it looks like the 7 day week will be used. If this is the case the final game will be on Sunday, 9-25.
CBS does not give leagues a choice, they automatically use the full 10 days for week #25. If we go with the Mon-Sun week I will delete the points scored on the final 3 days (Mon-Tue-Wed).

Re: Final Week of the Season

Jimi, with the schedule like it is, does that mean that our championship matchup is now a 1 week matchup or a 2 week matchup?

Re: Final Week of the Season

The final 2 teams will play weeks #24 and #25. It's the final week that we are voting on.