Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Usually our votes come down to 2 options are favorites. With 10 votes in after my vote, the vote is as close as it can be between all the options. Two choices have 2 and two choices have 3. I will laugh if the last two voters make it 3 votes each.

Re: votes

If the final vote comes out 3-3-3-3, then the commish should rule the vote null and void and the keeper rule should stay the same as last year. That's my 2 cents worth.

Re: votes

Jose - 9 people voted for something different than last year. 3 voted for the same as last year. just saying

Re: votes??

Well, I'd rather it not be discussed until it's final. You see, if you haven't voted yet you can't see the results so far, but by putting up the results here it could swing someone in one direction or the other.

Re: votes??

Ooops - didn't know that part Jimi. It's all Jose's fault. he egged me on!!!

Re: votes??

Bro indicated that the vote had gone 3-3-2-2 or 3-2-3-2 or 3-2-2-3 or 2-2-3-3 or 2-3-2-3 or 2-3-3-2 after 10 votes and I indicated that if the 2 left would vote for the 2 choices that had 2 votes each then we would have 3-3-3-3 but the 2 people left could not figure out from either one of our posts which choices they were. All they conclude was that their vote was important, just as I hope each of us took his vote as important. As of this writing we have 1 vote left and I wander who that might be.

Re: votes??

Jimi - do you know if the last owner will be voting soon?

Re: votes??

I wish I knew Ray, but not everyone has replied that they have voted.
Here's who replied,
20th Maine
Air Force 1
Eyes of Texas
Salem Cruisers
Kelly's Heroes
Giant Nation

I assume that Big Red One, Yankee Doodles, and ARoxx have voted.
That leaves the Generals and FLA Eagle.

Re: votes??

i'm pretty sure Ted voted, so it must be Dick.

Re: votes??

Jimi,I answered your e=mail the day I got it.Just hit replay & said I'm in.

Re: votes??

Reply,Bob must have typed that

Re: votes??

Ted, if you voted that's great, but I never received an e-mail reply that you did.
So I guess it's Dick. I'll send him an e-mail so we can get the voting over.

Re: votes??

I did not reply, but my vote was the second one.

Re: votes??

Looking at Dick's roster,I'd vote for 12.He has some team.I'd trade teams with him.

Re: votes??

I saw that too, Ted. I'm gonna be hanging around when he makes his cuts to gobble up the scraps.