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Upton trade

As a Nats fan, I sure question the fairness of that Upton trade. Seems like AZ is taking a page out of Marlin's playbook.

Re: Upton trade

From what I've read, it just seems that Arizona and Upton were just like a marriage whose only solution is a divorce. With that in mind, that makes them trade from a weak position and this may have been the best deal they feel they could get.

Re: Upton trade

This tightens up the NL East, but I still believe the Nats win the World Series.

Re: Upton trade

All I know is I should start any pitcher I have against the braves. 6ip, 10k's, nd. Still 16-17 points

Re: Upton trade

I feel it has raised the fantasy value a little for Upton. So this trade is fine by me.

Re: Upton trade

I totally disagree and think Arizona made a great trade. Not only was Prado the better player last year, they added some prospects and moved a player from a position they had too many players at for one who plays a position of need for the Dbacks. IMO Prado at third will be more valuable than Upton would have been in the OF and they got some great prospects to boot. I have to admit I'm not nearly as high on Upton as some so I'm just glad he's not in Seattle.

Re: Upton trade

I hope going to AZ helps Prado. AZ hit better than Atl last year and has a better park factor. However, the trade only helps AZ if they can extend Prado at a reasonable cost. Otherwise he is one and done.

Re: Upton trade

Forgot about the one and done. If Az only gets one year of Prado then maybe it's not so good.