Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Spam and stuff

I commented this morning that all my OGBL messages were going into my SPAM file and I didn't realize it. Barry helped me out by showing me the "this is not spam" button ... so hopefully I am back in the loop. However speaking of loop I may be on the DL soon. Yesterday I got the word from my PCP that I have "Severe Spinal Stenosis and Peripheral Neuropathy" and will need Spinal Surgery soon. Today I scheduled a good Surgeon for a first meeting on April 25th. At that time I will learn more of what the summer holds for me. If I am flat on my back I may need Jimi to plug in the line up for a few days.

Re: Spam and stuff

Wow Bob that's some seriously heavy news. Praying for you that all goes well.

Re: Spam and stuff

That does not sound good at all. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Re: Spam and stuff

You can overcome this Bob. Praying for you.

Re: Spam and stuff

Sorry to hear this news Bob. I hope to talk with you about this before you go in for the surgery.
Our prayers are with you my friend.

Re: Spam and stuff

Bob: Sorry about this news. Hope you can come through it all. There's "a lot of baseball left in you" my friend.

Re: Spam and stuff


May I also include my prayers a and best wishes for a fast recovery.

Re: Spam and stuff

Wow ... I thought spam was your main problem. I will be doing some heavy praying for you.